A free David o’Doherty gig, what’s the catch ?
There’s none, well you have to cycle but it is car free day after all, so we are saving you a walk !
Award-winning comedian and bicycle fiend, David
O’Doherty, has agreed to put on a secret show as
the closing event of the Festival.
A one-off event that should give rise to great silliness
and a good dose of the giggles.
This is a free gig but you will have to cycle to find out
the secret location. This cycle will be lead by David
himself. Rumours of an all-in-one lycra body-suit are
If you cannot cycle for any reason (and it
better be good) contact info@kerrybicyclefestival.github.io
to make alternative arrangements.
David Nicholas O’Doherty is a Perrier
Award winning Irish comedian,
author, musician, actor, playwright
…and bike nut.
Note: It will probably be dusk by the time this show, so don’t forget your lights.

1 Neish
Posted September 9, 2013 at 9:28 amPermalink
Hi Guys,
How do I get a ticket for this? Vanetia
2 admin
Posted September 12, 2013 at 8:08 pmPermalink
It’s a free show Neish !